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03 November 2022, 17:46

Belarus-China park Great Stone expects 100th resident company in 2022

SMOLEVICHI DISTRICT, 3 November (BelTA) - The China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone expects the 100th resident company this year, Head of the Great Stone Park Administration Aleksandr Yaroshenko told the media after a ceremony to present registration certificates to six new resident companies, which was held as part of a series of the events to mark the October Revolution Day on 3 November, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Yaroshenko

"Six projects from China and Belarus have become residents of the industrial park. Now there are 99 of them. I think that we will hit the mark of 100 this year. But the main thing is not the number of projects, but their quality and capabilities in the future. The projects that we have welcomed into our friendly family today are innovative and high-tech. The total investment to be made is about $60 million; more than 140 high-performance jobs will be created. These are good figures for our economy," the head of the park said.

Aleksandr Yaroshenko noted the importance of the development of new technologies and import-substituting manufactures by resident companies in the field of biotechnology, unmanned vehicles and others. "The Belarusian founders also have innovative ideas, including the manufactures of products that are already in demand in the park. I would like to note that there is clustering of manufacturers who use each other's services and productions," he said.

The park's new residents plan to export products mainly to the EAEU countries - about 70% of the total. “On the whole, residents who come to the Great Stone are mainly export-oriented. Today the bulk goes to the Eurasian space. The Asian market is gradually coming to the fore, and we still have the market of the European Union. The task of all-round cooperation remains relevant,” Aleksandr Yaroshenko said.

Director Generalof Industrial Park Development Company Li Zhonghan

At the event, representatives of Belarusian and Chinese companies exchanged the signed license agreement on purchasing the rights to publish the Russian version of the book “Chronicles of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the International Fight against New Coronavirus Infection” and also the signed lease agreements on opening an office of the Center for Examination and Tests in Healthcare at the industrial park.

The China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone is a special economic zone with a special legal regime. It is located 25km away from Minsk. The park's priority development areas include mechanical engineering, electronics and telecommunications, biotechnologies, pharmaceutics, new materials, logistics, digital commerce, big data storage and processing.

Certificate of registration is presented to OOO LINK PRINT

Certificate of registration is presented to Beltamozhservice

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