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25 June 2020, 16:57

Belarus' central securities depository granted ANNA full membership status

MINSK, 25 June (BelTA) - The Republican Central Securities Depository has been granted the status of a full member of the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA). This decision was made at the ANNA general meeting in Frankfurt-on-Main, BelTA learned from the depository.

“Obtaining this status enables the central depository to participate in ANNA's general meetings with the right to vote, opens access to the association's projects to develop and apply the advanced international standards used in financial markets, expands the partnership network of the depositary, and allows us to use the experience of the global financial community in standardizing the operations and instruments of the financial market,” the depositary said.

ANNA is an international organization founded in 1992 by 22 national numbering organizations from different countries. The mission of the association is to facilitate the assigning, dissemination and application of international identification codes as a single method of identifying financial instruments. ANNA provides global financial markets with single securities identification codes for use in international trading, clearing and settlement systems, and maintains a unified database of securities identifiers. As of 1 June, ANNA had 97 full members and 19 partners - organizations from 123 countries.

On 1 December 2008, the depository became an organization acting as the National Numbering Agency in Belarus in accordance with the partnership agreement concluded earlier between ANNA and the central depository. The depository assigns international identification codes ISIN, CFI and FISN to the securities of Belarusian issuers.

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