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05 January 2024, 11:32

Belarus’ Belinterexpo organizes nearly 30 exhibitions abroad in 2023

MINSK, 5 January (BelTA) – The Belarusian exhibition enterprise Belinterexpo organized about 30 exhibitions abroad in 2023, Andrei Shakhanovich, Deputy Director of Belinterexpo (part of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, BelCCI), said in a new episode of BelTA's The Nation Speaks project.

There is a large number of exhibitions held across the globe every year, Andrei Shakhanovich said. “Many enterprises take an active part in exhibition events independently. The goal of Belinterexpo is not only to showcase enterprises separately but display the country as a whole, that is why we focus on the organization of country expositions,” he explained.
As a rule, Belinterexpo expositions boast original designs, artistic decorations with the use of national elements and symbols. These expositions receive attention from government bodies, visitors, media, and businesses of the host country.

Last year Belinterexpo organized about 30 country-scale events abroad, Andrei Shakhanovich added. “Several events were held in different countries, and we were able to manage to present Belarus in 15 countries. These are traditional partners - CIS countries, including Russia, far away countries, such as Mongolia, Syria, Zimbabwe, Algeria, China and the UAE. There were both small expositions and large-scale events,” the deputy director said. 

According to him, the largest exhibition in 2023, where Belarus participated as a partner country, was INNOPROM in Russia’s Yekaterinburg. The Belarusian exposition occupied the area of more than 3,000 square meters. The national exposition featured some 125 Belarusian enterprises.

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