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29 March 2021, 10:57

Belarus approves new five-year transport development program

MINSK, 29 March (BelTA) – By Resolution No.165 of 23 March 2021, the Council of Ministers has approved the state program on the transportation industry for 2021-2025. The document was officially published at the National Legal Internet Portal, BelTA has learned.

The program has been developed in accordance with Belarus' social and economic development priorities, which include a developed business environment, sustainable infrastructure and accelerated development of services and is aimed at the formation of an efficient transport complex and a developed transport infrastructure, increased safety and accessibility. The goal of the program is to ensure sustainable mobility and meet the needs of the economy in competitive and efficient transport services.

The state program includes five subprograms: Railway Transport, Automobile, Urban Electric Transport and Metro, Inland Water and Maritime Transport, Civil Aviation and Ensuring the Functioning of the Transport System.

The resolution envisages over Br7.55 billion to finance the implementation of the program, including over Br1.67 billion in 2021, over Br1.56 billion in 2022, over Br1.4 billion in 2023, over Br1.4 billion in 2024 and over Br1.45 billion in 2025. According to the document, the sources of funding are the national budget, including the national civil aviation fund, and local budgets, off-budget centralized investment fund of the Transport and Communications ministry, the funds of the state program performers, credit resources and other sources not prohibited by law.

More than Br1.4 billion will be allocated for the Railway Transport subprogram. It provides for comprehensive development of railway transport, including improvement of infrastructure, renovation of railway rolling stock, technical and technological measures on railway transport.

The Automobile, Urban Electric Transport and Metro subprogram will require more than Br4.2 billion. The purpose of this subprogram is to ensure accessibility, improve the quality and safety of services of automobile, urban electric transport and metro, increase the efficiency of transport organizations.

The Inland Waterway and Maritime Transport subprogram is aimed at increasing the efficiency of use of inland waterway transport, including the development of its infrastructure, and increasing the attractiveness of the State Register of Belarusian Maritime Vessels. A total of Br94.7 million is envisaged to be allocated for its implementation.

The financing of the Civil Aviation subprogram will exceed Br1.5 billion. It provides for the availability and quality of air transportation, flight safety and aviation security.

The subprogram on ensuring the functioning of the transport system is aimed at improving the scientific potential and general functioning of the transport complex. Its implementation will require more than Br268 million.

Given favorable external conditions the document provides for the growth of transport services export of up to 125%, freight turnover (excluding pipelines) up to 120.6% and passenger turnover up to 131.7% compared to 2020.

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