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10 сакавіка 2020, 13:21

Three coronavirus patients cured in Belarus

MINSK, 10 March (BelTA) – The number of people cured of coronavirus has reached three in Belarus, BelTA learned from the press service of the Healthcare Ministry.

The student from Iran who was Belarus' first coronavirus case has tested negative for the virus three times. The other two coronavirus patients who had come in close contact with him also tested negative. “This week all three of them will be discharged from hospital after all the necessary laboratory and surveillance procedures are done,” the press service noted.

“The other patients diagnosed with COVID-19 are in satisfactory condition. Their temperature is normal; they remain under medical surveillance,” the press service added.

A reminder, three more people tested positive for coronavirus this weekend. Their test results revealed coronavirus RNA. These people had come in close contact with the patients who returned from Italy. “These cases have been confirmed by now. The preventive isolation of these patients and adequate medical assistance allowed preventing the further spread of the disease. These three patients are in satisfactory condition and have no complaints; their temperature is normal,” the press service informed.

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