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04 кастрычніка 2024, 11:22

Lukashenko briefed on harvesting results: Over 10m tonnes of grain expected to be cropped


PINSK DISTRICT, 4 October (BelTA) – During his working trip to Pinsk District on 4 October, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko was briefed on the final stage of harvesting. The gross grain harvest is expected to exceed 10 million tonnes, BelTA has learned.

The total corn harvest for grain is expected to be 2 million tonnes in barn weight. Taking into account spiked grains, the total harvest will surely exceed 10 million tonnes, which will be enough to meet the needs of the population and livestock farming.

The president was also told about progress to harvest other agricultural crops, including forage crops. Aleksandr Lukashenko urged to make sure that forage is kept in proper conditions. “Rotting is not allowed. We need good forage,” he stressed.

Sugar beet harvesting is on the home stretch. The yield is about the same as last year's. Initially yield expectations were higher, but the heat and lack of moisture had an impact on crops. Nevertheless, the needs of sugar producers will be met. The head of state was told that Belarusian sugar sells well in other countries, and the prices are good for Belarus. Last year's sugar is also sold.

Potato harvesting will be completed in mid-October. There are enough potatoes to meet the domestic demand,  some potatoes are exported.

There are also sufficient reserves of millet and buckwheat, public procurement for rapeseed oilseeds and brewing barley has been 100% fulfilled.

All in all, harvesting works are proceeding in line with the schedule.

Aleksandr Lukashenko paid special attention to autumn field works, and sowing of winter crops that are critical for the future harvest. He warned against mismanagement during field works. Sowing is to be finished in Belarus by 15 October. But the situation varies depending on the region. For example, Brest Oblast has already finished these works, but this is not the case with Vitebsk Oblast, Mogilev Oblast and Gomel Oblast.

“Do you mean, we can sow later in Vitebsk than in Brest? You should have finished works in Vitebsk by the end of September. Okay, we will come to grips with this situation. I want things to be done properly! How long are we going to kick the can down the road? You are saying that you have not planted yet. And what prevented you from doing it by 1 October? Sort things out with personnel. They should get what they deserve. If they can't handle it, let them go,” the Belarusian leader said. 
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