MINSK, 4 February (BelTA) - Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Belarusian Prosecutor General Andrei Shved to receive his report on 4 February, BelTA has learned.
First of all, the head of state asked about the crime situation in the country. "Will you please give me the cliff notes, as I am regularly informed of the situation. We will think over how we take stock of the work. Please, team up with the state secretary [of the Security Council] and prepare a meeting to discuss the current situation, the results and how we move forward," Aleksandr Lukashenko instructed.
The president showed interest in more specific issues concerning the work of the Prosecutor General's Office and the citizen readmission commission headed by Andrei Shved. “I need to hear your impressions, views and conclusions. I want to know your opinion on how we should move forward: do we need this commission or not? I would like it to work further. It is still an additional perspective, additional point of view. I am also interested in a number of other issues related to the work of the prosecutor's office," Aleksandr Lukashenko stated.

The head of state also touched upon the issue of fighting corruption: “We discuss this issue less often. The situation has not worsened or improved. We still have such cases. The relevant bodies report about it to me. From your point of view, what is the current situation?”
“One more issue. We just held the election. I would like to thank everyone for their support. As the body that enforces the law, do you think there were any significant election irregularities? What else do we need to work on? We should not hold pseudo-democratic elections, as the West does. The West lectures us on elections, but elections in western countries often fall short of democratic standards or are not held at all. We should hold elections in a very democratic way: it is the time when people make a decision,” the president emphasized. "So from this point of view, did we have any irregularities? Did the prosecutor notice anything that needs to be worked on?” he stressed.
First and foremost, Andrei Shved congratulated Aleksandr Lukashenko on his convincing victory in the presidential election and pointed out that prosecutors have always been a pillar of the state and will remain so.
“In our opinion, there were no significant irregularities during the election campaign. It was held in a calm and proper manner. There were some minor misdemeanors, but in general everything was held in full compliance with the law,” the prosecutor general said.
According to him, the prosecutor's office received only one complaint: a Gomel resident complained that the election posters were stripped from the stand. The law enforcement authorities responded to this complaint. “Therefore, we believe that in general, law and order was ensured during the election campaign to the fullest,” Andrei Shved stated.
As for the country's crime rate, it dropped by 14% in 2024 compared to 2023. “This is the lowest rate for the entire period of our country's sovereignty. We achieved this largely due to the instructions you have been giving to the law enforcement agencies for many years and due to your committed position. At the same time, we realize that this is not a reason for complacency because there are still crime trends that require constant attention (despite the decrease in certain types of crimes, such as property-related crimes, felonies, and rape and others),” the prosecutor general emphasized.